Show Yields in HUD Ribbon is turned on.Ī little-known fact is that the yields of every civilization can be viewed at any moment.Whatever the situation may be, veterans and newbies alike will find something to enjoy! civilization 6 tips and tricks Some are general and may be used in almost any game, while others are situational and are dependent on your starting conditions. We’ve put up a set of early game pointers to help you get started. True, the early game-say, the first 100 turns or so-lays the groundwork for your empire’s success or failure. Early game decisions in Civ 6 are like constructing a snowball and gently tossing it in the hopes that by the end of the game, it’ll be an unstoppable force that can’t be slowed. It starts out as a small, innocuous creature, but it increases in size over time until it’s capable of mowing down anything in its path. A Civilization game is similar to rolling a snowball down a hill.